The Summer Menu

Healthy eating for us is not just about what’s on the Twinkles menu, but how we educate the children about the food they eat and the example that we as adults set to them. The food a child eats in their early years can influence their dietary habits later in life, so it’s important to…

Promoting Positive Behaviour

Here are a few tips to help you promote positive behaviour: Make sure all toys are in good repair, the pieces are all there and they work correctly. Something in poor repair will mean a child is not able to use it as intended and it can be incredibly frustrating for them Children can become…

What Are The Benefits Of Sharing Stories?

Sharing stories gives us a chance to spend one on one time together – no TV, no places to be, just child and carer together. Very valuable in today’s hectic world! Reading a book can help provide a calm environment to discuss issues, problems, fears and joys. Many books provide avenues into discussion, into all…